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Healing Circle With Angels

Angels are amazing beings that always bring positive energy which is Love and Light.

Each one represents the specific quality of God, and with the Ray of Love and Light, you will feel uplifted like you are embraced with the Wings of the Angels. 

In the Modern Mystery School with the Lineage of King Salomon, we work constantly with the Angels in many different ways, and I would love to invite you to join us with this Healing Circle with the Angels coming with the Light of Compassion.  

In this Group Healing, according to the energy of the group one of the specific Archangelic office will be called in to bring in the best Healing Energy.  

You will experience the presence of the Angels in whole different level with higher advanced Magick and Rituals that only authentic lineage can bring down.  

Please come and receive this beautiful gift from the Angels! 


  • Date: August 31st (Thu.) 6:30 - 8:30pm 

  • Venue: Chelsea area (TBA) 

  • Admission: $85

  • Facilitator: YOKO (Certified Guide with the Modern Mystery School)

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Basic Metaphysical training: Sacred geometry & astral travel

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